sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010


I've been thinking about loneliness a lot lately. My life has changed dramatically from a 28 years together with the one I thought was the love of my life to suddenly seeing myself in a completely different manner.
I already reflected that I lived my life more with her than without her.
Well, it just so happens that I am now in this situation and reflecting a lot about my own life.
I am waking up for things like choosing my own clothes, taking care of my own stuff, cleaning my own mess.
Although it is frustrating, mostly to the fact that this is all new, being new doesn't mean necessarily being bad. To the contrary.
You know, right now I am attending a seminar for 650 people, and perhaps from those 649 are accompanied by someone, and I am not. Is this really bad?
I took the decision to eat just a little, spent about 1/2 hour on a phone call, stepped away from dinner early and nobody asked me anything about any of my decisions!!! Why? Because they affected noone but myself. And quite honestly, this is a hell of a good feeling!
So, although it makes me feel bad seeing all these families together, I am perhaps happier than most of them on my own way. Because I am not worst, I am just different!
And discovering myself has been a beautiful thing, despite what will be the outcome of all this mess.
Anyway, this is a good reflection among all that I am having lately.
I still believe a lot in marriage, I still believe a lot in family, and perhaps this is just a matter of time until I am back into one.
But the process I am going through right now has been wonderful, and through pain we learn much, much more. And of course, there is fun beyond the pain, and fun is what life is all about!!
So, here's to life as a continuous improvement process!!!! :-)
See you around...

4 comentários:

  1. Oh man! That's great! I'm so proud of you and I agree with all of your thoughts. It's amazing to have someone too close to admire and consider tips, experience, knowledge...
    Sometimes life changes so quickly and deeply... The man who is able to overcome this step, can do everything!

    Keep walking!!!

  2. What I admired the most here is the fact that although you believe you are discovering yourself now, you made it clear to anyone that you DO know yourself. You are only looking at yourself from different perspectives. Afterall, who would say "it won't be long until I'm in another marrige again because I believe in it"?? People would normally preach about how wonderful this new freedom is and say all silly things about being with "the other half".
    Well done! Always look at everything from as many angles as you can.
    Count on me to help you move your head around in the process! ;o)

  3. Oh God, I loved your comments. Thank you both so much. Having friends like make life worth living.
    Beijos, beijos e mais beijos!!!

  4. Love yourself first ! I believe you discovered that already, my friend.
    I will be here to support you ! No matter what !
